What is Likhita Japa?

Likhita Japa is writing the mantra or the name of God repeatedly. It is one of the methods used to repeat God’s name. In Likhita Japa, the senses are engaged in the practice.  When one writes the mantra, the eyes see it, the fingers are used to writing on the paper, the mouth chants it and it purifies the speech also, ears hear the chanting, the mind is filled with devotion for the Lord, intellect thinks of the meaning of the mantra. This practice is done slowly without rush. It also helps in concentrating on God’s name.

How to write Likhita Japa?

Select the name or a mantra of the Ishtadeva and write it with love and concentration.

Any medium of writing, either pen or pencil, in colour or otherwise can be used.

Write the name or Mantra of God in Tamil, English, or other Indian languages. Please avoid misspelling the Mantra or Name.


Please visit Malaysia Hindu Sangam Facebook page to view some of the best artworks done by the participants of the Likhita Japa Contest.
