MHS Perak State Welfare – Donation for needy

Kalaiyaarasie aged 19 years is a straight As student with SGPA 3.96 in Matriculation. As for her family background, her father has passed away 8years ago of kidney failure, mother a single mum working as a sales assistant at Priyanka Saree Textiles with a take home pay RM900. She has been supporting herself and bringing up her three children, kalaiyaarsie and siblings aged 16 and 10yrs( both boys) since the absent of her husband.
As for Kalaiyaarasie, she has got an offer for degree in medical doctor in USM Kelantan. Helplessly , Kalaiayaarsie and her mother has approach us for assistant of enrollment fees. Following to that, Mrs Pathma Devi of MHS Perak State Welfare has tendered RM1000 and another RM500 has been given by Persatuan Tamil Ottrumai Kalagam totalling RM1,500 during Tamilrar Tirunal 2017 which was organized by Tamil Otturamai Kalagam which was held at TG Rambutan Field on 31st August 2017. Present with me Mr Murugesu President of Tamil Ottaramai Kalagam and Thordarmani Marayaee of MHS TG Rambutan LC Women Head