We have a wide selection of religious and spiritual books in English and Tamil.
For more titles, please click MHS Catalogue
Items can be ordered by emails only or purchased directly at our headquarters.
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Hi I wanted to buy rig veeda pls do let me know if you have any tq
Vanakam. Thank you for contacting Malaysia Hindu Sangam.
We don’t have stock for sales now.
You can check with Kalaivanis Book Centre, Penang (016-4415455 / 04-2613101), Giri Publication India (+91 044-66939393) or Motilal Banarsidass (www.mlbd.in). Thank you.
I want to buy thevaram book from Hindu sangam. Plz show me the sample of the cover page .
Vanakam. Please visit the Publication page to view the book http://www.malaysiahindusangam.org/mhs-youtube-videos/publications/
Vanakam. I wanted to know if you have periya puranam villakam in Tamil book. Kindly let me know if you have any. Thank you
Sorry, we only have the commentary in English.
Vanakam, I am looking for a book on simple Thevaram songs with audio cd. Do you have any compilation? Nandri, Thank you🙏
Yes, you can get purchase from MHS offices. You can make online order if interested. Book and CD is RM10.
Vanakam. Can I have the book list. I cannot find any book catalogue in the link given. Please attached with latest book list. Thank you.
Hi, currently we are out of stock.
You can contact Ramakrishna Mission at Petaling Jaya (Phone :+603-79600385, Email: malaysia@rkmm.org) or visit their bookstore.