Notice of 45th Annual General Meeting

Date: 1/7/2022

To all Members,


Notice is hereby given that the 45th Annual General Meeting of Malaysia Hindu Sangam will be held as follows:

Time Venue
:  24/7/2022 (Sunday)
:  9.00 am
:  Sri Subramaniar Temple, Bandar Sunway, Jalan PJS 7/13, Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor


1.   Prayer / Eluchipaadal / National Anthem

2.   Welcome Address by Viveka Nayagi Gowri Thangaya PSI., Hon.General Secretary

3.   President’s Address by Y.Bhg. Sri Kasi Datuk RS.Mohan Shan PMW.,JMW.,AMK.,BKM.,PJK

4.   Special Address

5.   Presentation of Awards

6.   To receive and approve the Minutes of the 44th Annual General Meeting.

7.   To receive and approve the Report of the Central Council for the year 2021.

8.   To receive and approve the Audited Statement of Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2021.

9.   Election of ten (10) members to the Central Council in place of those retiring.

10. To re-appoint Messrs. Kumpulan Naga (AF 0024) as Auditors of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2022 and to authorise the Directors to determine their remuneration.

11. To appoint two (2) Internal Auditors.

12. Any other matters arising.

13. To transact any other business for which 7 days written notice is given.

14. Votes of thanks & prayers.

For and on behalf of the Central Council,

Viveka Nayagi Gowri Thangaya PSI.

Honorary General Secretary


These instructions are provided to enable members to understand and observe the rules and procedures regarding the proper conduct of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Members.

1. Pursuant to Article 9.4 of the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting of Members shall be called by giving twenty-one (21) clear days’ notices published in one (1) English and one (1) Tamil national newspaper as decided by the Central Council, provided that a meeting of the Members shall, notwithstanding that it is called by shorter notice be deemed to have been duly called if so agreed to by at least 75% of the Members present.

2. Pursuant to Article 9.5 of the Articles of Association, the Report of the Central Council and the audited Statements of Accounts shall be published on the official website of the Sangam, and the hardcopy shall be available for collection at the State Councils at least twenty-one (21) days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.

3. To ensure a smooth transaction during the AGM, we request members who wish to give any suggestion or opinion, to give us 7 days’ written notice.

4. Members attending the AGM are required to adhere to the following Rules & Regulations:


  1. Donor, Life, and Individual Members.
  • All those who have paid subscription for 2022/2023 before 15 April 2022.
  • Temple and Associations. Only ONE (1) duly accredited representative appointed in writing in the official letter with the common seal of the Temple or Association is allowed to attend the AGM.
  • No Membership subscription will be collected at the AGM.


  1. Pursuant to Article 6(b) of Articles of Association, an Ordinary Member Individual is not eligible to be a Member of the Central Council.
  • Only a member who has served at any Committee in State or Local Council for a minimum of three (3) years is eligible to be elected to the Central Council.
  • A retiring Central Council Member shall be eligible for re-election for a maximum period of two (2) consecutive terms and shall be eligible for a new election after a lapse of three (3) years thereafter.
  • Members of the Central Council shall not hold any office in the Local Council.
  • As approved by the Minister of Domestic Trade & Consumer Affairs and the Registrar of Companies, twenty-seven (27) Members were elected to the Central Council at the National AGM of 2002. Nine (9) will be retiring every year on a rotation basis and nine (9) new members will be elected every year.
  • The ten (10) members retiring and/or resigning from the Central Council are:

1.   Kopalan a/l Chinniah AMN.

2.   Gowri a/p P.S.Thangaya PSI.

3.   Dato’ S.Martaveran a/l Serpamal DMIP., AMS.

4.   Genesan a/l Thangavelu AMN., ASA.

5.   Meenachy a/p K.Samynathan AMW.

6.   Suppiah a/l Suppan PJK.

7.   Balasubramaniam a/l T.N.Karuppiah

8.   Munanday a/l P.Manikam PKT.,PJM.,PJK.

9.   Vinayagamurthi a/l Subramaniam 

10. Jayaraman a/l Maniam

G.  Members who wish to nominate any member for election to fill the TEN (10) vacancies in the Central Council shall collect the Nomination Form from the Headquarters from 12.7.2022 to 16.7.2022 between 11.00 am to 4.00 pm and are required to complete the prescribed Nomination Form.

H. Pursuant to the decision of the Central Council, the Nominees shall submit the completed form with a fee of RM200 directly to the Returning Officer from 10.00 am to 12 noon on 16.7.2022 (Saturday) at the Headquarters.

I.  Nomination Form received after this date and time will not be valid.

J.   The Returning Officer is Mr.Nagarajan of Kumpulan Naga. The Returning Officer shall have the right to reject the Nomination Form which has errors or is incomplete.


1.   Resolution for consideration at the AGM can be submitted by members in writing to reach the Honorary General Secretary before 18.7.2022.

2.   A special committee appointed by the Central Council will be set up to study all resolutions. This committee has the right to reject or amend the resolution submitted for consideration. The decision of the committee shall be final.


1. Registration of members will be closed at 11.00 am.

2. Please bring along your NRIC or membership card for identification.

3. Please bring along your receipt for the subscription paid for 2022/2023.

4. Members attending the AGM are required to wear their identification tag issued by the Malaysia Hindu Sangam until the AGM is concluded.

5. Members are requested to wear Hindu traditional attire at the meeting.