19 MAY 2020

In order to eradicate and to prevent the increase in number of cases and death due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our Malaysian Government have proclaimed the Conditional (CMCO) since 4 May 2020 and the National Security Council is taking all measures to eradicate the plague.

Malaysia Hindu Sangam is here to inform that based on the outcome of the National Security Council’s CMCO Action Committee Meeting held this morning which was also attended by the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Unity, it was confirmed that there will be no announcement on the re-opening of Places of Worship (POW) today and it is postponed to coming Thursday (21 May 2020).

During this meeting, NSC have decided that POWs will not be allowed to be opened daily for public but only on important one or two days in a week with limited prayer hours and limited number of devotees. The Ministry of Unity’s proposal SOP will be further reviewed and a decision will be made on Thursday.

The above decision will also apply to all Hindu temples throughout the country. Malaysia Hindu Sangam humbly urge all temples to remain closed until a decision is made and further announcement is made by NSC, taking into account the current situation of COVID-19 in the country. Malaysia Hindu Sangam is committed to ensure the best for all Hindu temples during this trying times.

Yours in GOD’s service

Sri Kasi Datuk R.S. Mohan Shan PMW.,JMW.,AMK.,BKM.,PJK


Malaysia Hindu Sangam