Victory to Vernacular Schools!


Malaysia Hindu Sangam expresses its gratitude to the legal system which
has upheld the rights of vernacular schools! In yesterday’s ruling, the
High Court dismissed a lawsuit seeking the abolishment of vernacular
schools using Mandarin and Tamil.

The lawsuit was filed by three parties against the establishment of
Tamil and Mandarin schools claiming that the existence of vernacular
schools is in violation of the Federal Constitution. However, the
plaintiffs had failed to prove their case. In his judgment, Justice
Datuk Mohd Nazlan Mohd Ghazali has stated that contrary to the
allegation made, the Federal Constitution, in fact, expressly protected
teaching in mother tongues such as Tamil and Mandarin.

The Tamil schools in Malaysia have a history of 200 years. Various
movements and individuals have worked ceaselessly to protect and
strengthen the Tamil schools. Facing many hurdles, Tamil schools are
surviving these days, and some have even achieved excellence in various

Malaysia Hindu Sangam also congratulated Mr. Arun Dorasamy who had
tirelessly and fearlessly fought for vernacular education with a team of
30 lawyers in this case. Our sincere thanks to all of them.

We truly believe and reiterate that mother-tongue education is not a bar
to unity in our nation. All vernacular schools faithfully follow the
standard curriculum set by the Ministry of Education. The culture of
different races are taught from primary schools. Students in Tamil
schools are inculcated with good values including unity and harmony. As
alleged by some, the Tamil schools have never been the breeding grounds
of disharmony or threat to national unity. However, there is ample
evidence that Malay medium schools, especially the secondary schools
where polarization among the different races is openly practiced.

In the recent Annual General Meeting of Malaysia Hindu Sangam, a
resolution was passed to urge the Malaysian government to uphold and
strengthen the Tamil National-type schools and ensure that mother tongue
education is protected.