Will the columns for “race” and “religion” on the registration form of public examinations remain?

October 30 – Petaling Jaya, Selangor

On 29 October 2018, Malaysian Insider reported that “Education Minister Maszlee Malik says the column for religion will be maintained as it allows for easier identification of the students sitting for Islamic and Moral Studies papers.”

The above news has gone viral in social media expressing public disappointment.

Malaysia Hindu Sangam seek verification and clarification of the above report from the Ministry of Education. As the schools will have records of the students’ race and religion to ensure that only Muslim students sit for Islamic papers and others will sit for Moral Education papers, surely, there is no reason for those who mark the papers to have this information.

If the report is true, then it is another rude shock to us. We have hope that we are all creating a new Malaysia where there will be no more discrimination based on race and religion. We are saddened that our children have to fill up their race and religion to take up the examinations.

We hope the Ministry will review its decision.



National President

Malaysia Hindu Sangam